Go live on Instagram

How to Face your Fears and Go Live on Instagram

Gulp! Does the thought of going Live on Instagram fill you with a sense of impending doom? If so, listen up. I’m going to show you how Live video can boost your Instagram engagement, grow your following and get you more leads and sales.

Let’s do this!

The Benefits of Instagram Live Video

Connection + Memorability

Video is one of the most effective ways to connect with your ideal customer or client online.

Studies have shown that the human brain finds video more engaging and memorable than other types of content. The viewer is able connect on multiple levels; they hear your voice and see your face and body language. As opposed to written captions which are only one-dimensional.

This is why video is such a great way to communicate your brand message. As a business, it is vital to stand out and be memorable amongst all the online noise – ensuring that, when ready to buy, customers or clients choose you over the competition.


Showing your face on video builds relationships quickly by creating an “in-person” experience and connection at an emotional level. Sales psychology shows that people buy for emotional, rather than rational, reasons. The ability to tap into the buyer’s psyche explains why video is such an effective driver of conversions (sales).

ALgorithm brownie points

The Instagram algorithm favours Live content by sending push notifications to your followers and other users can find trending live videos via the Explore page - providing an opportunity to reach a new audience and grow your following.

REal-time interaction

Live video has the added benefit of real time engagement – providing a unique opportunity to interact directly with your fans and followers – creating connection, answering questions or overcoming objections to purchase and accelerating the Know > Like > Trust process.


If you consider the history of language, humans have been speaking far longer than reading and writing. Therefore, it makes sense that we are better at it. The spoken word includes hundreds of subtle nuances that make it a far more effective delivery system for complex ideas and stories.

Also, just quietly, Instagram Live is a much more effective way to share a long message than posting 20x Instagram Stories in a row!


How Instagram Live Works

Instagram’s Live video feature allows you to broadcast, in real time, for up to 60 minutes. Following the broadcast, a recording is available to download to your device or post to your feed.

Live video allows you to converse with your audience in real time. Hosts can use face filters and invite other Instagram users to join them in the broadcast - which is also shared on the invited guest's Stories (double exposure!).

How to go live on Instagram

  • From the newsfeed, tap the camera icon in the top left of the screen

  • Select ‘LIVE’ from the various recording formats along the bottom and you’ll receive a countdown message as the Live begins

  • At the end of your broadcast tap “End”


Instagram Live lends itself well to timely and informative content that sparks engagement. Use Live video to educate, inspire, to take your followers behind the scenes, to entertain and to answer questions about your product or service.

Best Practice for Live Video

  • Start strong – don’t sit there silently waiting for people to join. State what you’ll be talking about at the start and then re-iterate your key talking points once you get critical mass

  • Have clear plan and articulate why people should stick around and watch

  • Engage with your audience – invite them to ask questions as you go or ask people to DM you following the broadcast

  • Save and repurpose your live video for IGTV or another channel if it is evergreen content

  • Have fun! Your followers will enjoy your broadcast a lot more if you are enjoying it too.

Instagram Live success story

“I’ll never go live on Instagram” – Shelley, Casual Step.

This Instagram Unpacked graduate vowed to never go live on Instagram however, following the group coaching experience, Shelley realised the potential for live video for her retail clothing business and overcame her fears of going live by inviting a friend to join her.

Here she is absoluting nailing her live broadcast!


STILL Feeling nervous?


Bring a friend. Having someone else present takes the focus off of you. Film a casual conversation with a co-worker or invite a guest to share the spotlight

Use props. Just like bringing a friend, props take the focus away from you and give you something to do with your hands. Showcase a product or a tool that you use for your job

Show what you know. Talk about a topic that you know back to front so you can focus on your presentation and engaging with your followers, rather than the content itself

Tell them about it. If it’s your first live, tell your followers. They will be supportive and most likely impressed by your bravery

Be prepared. Channel your inner boy scout! Write notes and practice what you’re going to say beforehand.

Finally, everyone’s first live is a bit awkward and that’s ok. When you show up think about the value you are offering your audience, not your own nerves or feelings. Getting your message out into the world and connecting with your ideal customer or client is worth a few minutes of feeling awkward, I promise.

Now go get ‘em Tiger!